Self-discipline is the power to set a difficult, long-term goal and with dogged-determination, persistence and perseverance see it through to its successful completion. Self-Discipline is a skill and a mindset that can be learned. The Neuropsychology of Self Discipline teaches you that skill.
Inspired by the famous Stanford University "Marshmallow Study" and developed at Stanford University, The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline is an easy step-by-step system that gives you the intestinal fortitude and will-power to start, stay with and finish what you start -- no matter how difficult the task and no matter how long it takes to achieve.
In the 1960s, a Stanford University professor began an experiment testing the willpower of four-year-old children. He placed before them a large marshmallow and then told them they could eat it right away or, if they waited for 15 minutes, they could have two marshmallows. He then left the children alone and watched behind a two-way mirror. Forty percent of the children ate the marshmallow right away. Thirty percent struggled and gave in before the 15 minutes was up before giving in to temptation.
Only 30 percent were able to wait. These children were resolute in their commitment to wait and were rewarded with the promised marshmallow as the professor had promised.
He kept track of the children for 30 years and learned an interesting correlation:
The children who could not wait struggled later in life. They had poor personal relationships, poor health (addictions, obesity), lower levels of education and income and low levels of self-esteem and self-worth.
Those who waited were significantly more positive and better motivated.
They had much better health, higher
grades and incomes, and had healthier
— —
What started as a simple experiment with children and marshmallows became a landmark study suggesting that the ability to wait—to delay gratification—to be self-disciplined — was a key characteristic that predicted later success in life.
"With Self-Discipline, All Things Are Possible.
Without It, Even the Simplest Goal Can
Seem Like the Impossible Dream -Theodore Roosevelt
How to Develop Self-Discipline:
The Seven-Step Formula
In their work at the Stanford Neuropsychology Research Laboratory "Self-Discipline" authors Steve DeVore and Karl Pribram studied the characteristics and behaviors of those who were able to delay gratification in their quest for difficult, long-term goals.
They also looked at the structure and function of the brain and nervous system in order to determine how the emotion behind delayed gratification was created and sustained. In this pursuit they discovered and refined a 6-step formula for developing the power of self-discipline and self-generated and sustained motivation.
The power behind self-discipline is a deep-seated core emotion that begins, builds and sustains the self-disciplined mindset. This emotion is first aroused when we have a well-defined, compelling purpose in mind — we know what we want to achieve — we have a reason to get out of bed each morning with anticipation and excitement.
This germinal emotion goes from a desire to a sense of possibility when we meet and study other's who have achieved the same purpose we desire to achieve and find commonality with them. From these people we realize "They're just like me. If they can do it, then so can I" and we break through the self-imposed limitations that have always held us back. This takes us from a sense of limiting impossibility to what is really possible for us.
Our purpose and sense of possibility begin to forge a strong emotional driving force when we create a detailed, sensory-rich image in our imagination of what life will be like when we achieve our purpose — and consistently re-play that heartfelt image in our mind's eye until it becomes deeply rooted in our nervous system and becomes a magnificent obsession.
We call this "vision" — an image of an ideal future state that currently doesn't exist but it desirable and possible to achieve — "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
This vision or "faith" is the compelling force behind all human action and achievement. Everything we do first begins as a desire in the mind's eye that drives and compels us to the action necessary to pursue and fulfill that vision. In neuropsychology this "vision" is referred to as "the image of achievement — the language of the brain and the motivational force behind of all human endeavor and achievement."
Once emotionally compelled to action the self-disciplined achiever, like an architect, creates a concise, step-by-step plan or blueprint of what they need to do to achieve their purpose, what resources they need and how long it will take. At this point, the self-disciplined "doer" makes a commitment to time. No matter how long it will take to achieve, they instill within themselves a long-term, sustained commitment to achieve their goal. This planning and emotional commitment to a long-term effort further stokes the emotional fire of motivation as the realization of the vision begins to take place in a skeletal structure.
Most of us are intimidated by and abandon our goal achievement effort when we're faced with the prospect of having to learn and master new knowledge and skills. The self-disciplined achiever's emotional driving forces overcome this self-doubt and they immerse and apply themselves in and to the process of learning and mastery. In this effort they eventually discover they are capable of the learning new things and are able to develop a fine-tuned mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their vision. As a result whole new worlds of possibility open and the emotional fire within intensifies.
The fire of emotion becomes so strong that self-disciplined achievers develop the strength and fortitude to persist through difficulties, persevere through physical exhaustion and pain and be resilient or continually bounce back and recover from setbacks and disappointment. They realize that anything and everything of worthwhile achievement and lasting value is a step-by-step, line-upon-line, precept-upon precept process that takes time, consistent application, patience and endurance. They have the fortitude and energy to endure to the end.
All of the steps above interact and combine to build the internal emotional fire that drives self-disciplined behavior and creates a dynamic self-discipline mindset.
"The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline" Introduces You to This 6-Step Process, Teaches You How to Master Each Step to Give You the Wherewithal and Power You Need to Achieve Your Most Cherished Goals, Desires and Dreams.
The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline is an easy-to-use and understand self-paced digital audio course with an interactive e-Book progress guide that teaches you the steps involved in learning the self-discipline mindset.
The program consists of 10 audio sessions. Each chapter in the progress guide is linked to an audio session and includes a session overview, summary, illustrative charts and graphs plus knowledge mastery reviews.
The course is designed to be used with your desktop, laptop, smartphone and/or tablet for the most effective learning experience.

Session One: Self-Discipline: Your Master key to Achievement
Session Two: A Profile of Success: The 10 Characteristics of the Self-
Disciplined Achiever
Session Three: The Fire Within: Seven Steps to Developing Iron-Willed Discipline
(Listen to Session Three Overview)
Session Four: The Power of Purpose: How to Determine What You Really
Want to Achieve
Session Five: The Magic of Mentors: How to Learn and Draw Inspiration
from Models of Success
Session Six: The Magnificent Obsession: How to Transform Your Dream
into a Sensory-Rich Vision of Success
Session Seven: Power Planning: How to Turn Your Vision into s Step-by-
Step Blueprint of Achievement
Session Eight: The Time Connection: The Seasoning of an Achiever
Session Nine: Mega Learning: How to Master the Knowledge and Skills
You need to Achieve Your Goals
Session Ten: Vision Quest: Winning Through Persistence and Perseverance
Steve DeVore & Karl Pribram, MD, PhD.
Steve Devore is the founder of SyberVision and the developer of the acclaimed SyberVision learning system based on research he conducted at the Stanford University Neurological Research Laboratories (SUNRL). Steve collaborated withthe late Dr. Karl Pribram — the
founder of the modern day science of neuropsychology and SyberVision's Director of Advanced Research — in the development of Sybervision's learning systems.
Steve conducted extensive field research in personal achievement and self-motivational systems at Stanford working the with Stanford Department of Education. the Stanford Athletic Department and the Stanford Medical School (SUNRL) with Dr. Pribram. Steve is renown for his work in visual modeling — how we learn and assimilate (neurologically, psychologically, and cognitively) skills and behaviors from
the observation of others.
He has designed training systems for both collegiate and professional football, basketball, and baseball teams, the U.S. Olympic
Training Center, and the United States Air Force (simulator training for B1 pilots flying at 500 mph at 100 foot altitudes .
He also developed the highly acclaimed "The World's 100 Greatest People" in collaboration audio biographical collection. It was the research from this collection combined with his study in the neurological and psychological sciences and the Stanford Marshmallow Study that led to the development of "The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline." His published works have generated nearly $500 million in worldwide sales.
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