can be broken down into
two types of people: those
who have power, and those
who don't. Those who know
how to achieve real power
are often rewarded with
wealth, status, and privileges
beyond compare.
Leaders are often described
as being "strong,"
"powerful," "magnetic,"
One thing is for certain:
necessary to get what you
want by having other's willing
work for and with you.
this incredible audio program
you'll learn
to incorporate this formula
into your own unique personality.
You'll learn how to present
your ideas in a forceful,
engaging way. You'll discover
how to mobilize and inspire
a group of people to make
their own personal dreams
and goals come true. Now
you can be one of those
people, too
to the Top Faster Than You
Ever Dreamed Possible.
Neuropsychology of Leadership
is based on a four-year
study by two internationally
renown researchers: USC
professors Dr. Warren Bennis
and Dr. Burt Nanus, and
the work of SyberVision
founder Steven DeVore at
Stanford University's Neuropsychology
Research Laboratories.
Learn the Four Step Formula
for Power and Influence
and Nanus studied the skills
and methods used by legendary
political, business and
social leaders. Armed with
this research identified
10 characteristics these
leaders had in common and
they developed a 4 step
formula that will enable
you to acquire, exert, and
maintain influence—
other people's trust and
respect. And you'll learn
how to convince subordinates
to do what you want them
to do—and do it gladly.
our dream is to rise to
the top of your company—to
start your own business.
. .to acquire great wealth.
. .or to help shape the
future of your community,
The Neuropsychology
of Leadership will
show you the way.
Be a Leader
and Don't Look Back.
You've waited long enough
to achieve lifelong goals
and dreams. With The
Neuropsychology of Leadership,
you can learn to do what
leaders have always known
how to do—go after
what you really want, and
get it.
Neuropsychology of Achievement
is available for download in the MP3 format.
Click Here to Order & Download Now ($99)
strength, and confidence.
These are all words that
have been used to describe
the rare and special quality
that leaders possess.
Many of us have more potential
for developing the unmistakable
hallmark of a leader than
we're aware of. And the
rewards of becoming a
leader are often greater
than we can imagine.
Leaders are the people
who get things done. And
in the process, they gain
power, responsibility,
respect, and often great
wealth. In a world where
most people have to be
content with whatever
comes their way, leaders
know how to forge their
own paths of success and
good fortune because they
know how to mobilize and
inspire a group of people
to make their own personal
dreams and goals come
their landmark study of
leadership, Dr's. Warren
Bennis and Burt Nanus
identified 10 characteristics
all great leaders have
in common. From this model
of power and influence,
they derived a formula,
that if followed, will
make you an effective
leader, empowering you
with the ability to inspire
and direct others to work
toward your well-defined
Session 1 |
Essence of Leadership:
Your Key to Personal
Power. |
Session 2 |
the Mystery: The 10
Dominant characteristics
of an Effective Leader. |
Session 3 |
Four Master Keys to
Power: The New Psychology
of Leadership. |
Session 4 |
Visionary Leader:
How to Create a Vision
of the Future. |
Session 5 |
Through Communication:
How to Inspire Followers
with Your Vision. |
Session 6 |
Positioning: How to
Gain Mass Support
for Your Dream. |
Session 7 |
Mastery of Self: How
to Lead Others Through
Self-Mastery and Example. |
Session 8 |
Learning Environment:
How to Get the Most
Out of Your Followers. |
Session 9 |
Management of change:
How to Create a Climate
for Your Vision to
Take Root. |
Session 10 |
Final Transformation:
Your Vision Becomes
Reality. |
Warren Bennis, a
Distinguished Professor
of Business Administration
and Founding Chairman
of the Leadership
Institute at the
University of Southern
California, draws
on over 40 years
of experience as
a best selling author,
a prestigious educator,
renowned consultant,
and award-winning
visionary. During
most of the 60s
and 70s, Bennis
was an innovative
university administrator,
serving as President
of the University
of Cincinnati for
seven years. He
has been an adviser
to four U.S. Presidents,
and has served as
professor at such
institutions as
the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology,
Harvard College,
and Boston University.
A recipient of eleven
honorary degrees,
Bennis has advised
many Fortune 500
companies. He lives
in Santa Monica,
California. |
Burt Nanus is Professor
Emeritus of Management
at the University
of Southern California,
where he served on
the faculty from 1969
to 1994. While there,
he founded the University's
Center for Futures
Research and served
as its director for
sixteen years. Prior
to joining the University,
he spent ten years
in various managerial
capacities at Sperry
Rand Corporation,
the System Development
Corporation, and his
own consulting firm,
Planning Technology,
Inc. He is the author
of nine business books,
six of them on leadership.
He resides in Pacific
Palisades, California. |
Steve is the founder
of SyberVision and
the creator of the
SyberVision neuro/bio
modeling learning
technology which he
developed in conjunction
with Dr. Karl Pribram
founder of the Stanford
University Neuropsychology
Research Laboratory.
Steve has authored
over 50 programs in
personal achievement,
health, and sports
featuring the highly-respected
SyberVision learning
system. |